“By Another Name” is a captivating visual novel that plunges you into the thrilling world of a first-year soccer player at an elite private school. Following your father's unexpected death, you're left with a perplexing mystery, forcing you to question everything you thought you knew. Explore the vibrant campus, build alliances with teammates and classmates, and lead your soccer team to victory. With customizable character models and impactful choices, this immersive experience will keep you hooked until the very end. Download now for early access and exclusive content!
App Features:
- Customizable Character Models: Choose your character – female, male, or non-binary – for a personalized gameplay experience.
- Diverse Genres: Experience a unique blend of romance/dating sim, mystery, sports, and visual novel elements.
- Meaningful Choices: Every decision you make has consequences, adding depth and realism to your journey. There are no wrong choices, only impactful ones.
- Compelling Characters: Meet a diverse cast of memorable characters, each with their own unique personality and backstory. From the empathetic Aarya to the witty Abigail, you'll forge lasting bonds.
- Engaging Storyline: Unravel the mystery surrounding your father's death, challenging your perceptions and prompting personal growth.
- Professional Coaching: Benefit from the guidance of Coach Daisy, a dedicated coach who will help you excel on the soccer field.
“By Another Name” offers an immersive and engaging experience, blending romance, mystery, and sports into a compelling narrative. With customizable characters, meaningful choices, and a captivating storyline, this app is perfect for anyone seeking an unforgettable journey filled with choices and consequences. Download now and embark on an adventure you won't soon forget!