Dive into the Сквозь реальность app, a compelling anthology featuring three captivating short stories: "The Stop," "Warnings," and "The Desperate." Each narrative introduces characters grappling with inexplicable events, leaving a lasting impact. Penned by the gifted 16-year-old author, Alice Chopchik, from Chisinau, Moldova, this app represents just one title from the expansive Digital Books collection. With over 270 books already published and readily available on the Market, Digital Books champions both classic literature and emerging writers. These Android-optimized apps allow for personalized display settings, ensuring a comfortable reading experience. Adjust the font size within your smartphone's "Display" settings for optimal readability. Importantly, Digital Books apps are designed to be lightweight and efficient, minimizing resource consumption on your device.
Сквозь реальность App Highlights:
> Three enthralling stories: "Остановка", "Предостережения", "Отчаявшаяся".
> Created by the talented young Moldovan author, Alice Chopchik.
> Access to a vast library of over 270 downloadable books.
> User-friendly mobile apps designed for Android devices.
> Customizable display options for a personalized reading experience.
> Lightweight design for seamless performance on your Android device.
A World of Stories Awaits:
Experience a captivating collection of stories from a remarkably talented young author. With a library of over 270 books at your fingertips, this app provides a customizable and efficient reading experience on your Android device. Support emerging authors and explore a world of captivating literature. Download Сквозь реальность today and begin your immersive reading adventure.