Stalker 2: How To Complete The Joke Quest In Rookie Village

Author : Charlotte Mar 18,2025

In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, many NPCs offer intriguing side quests, and Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village provides one of the more memorable encounters. His quest involves delivering a joke to gain acceptance from a group of fellow stalkers. This easily missed interaction is a fun detour from the main storyline.

Here's how to find and complete Lyonchyk Sprat's joke quest in Rookie Village:

Completing Lyonchyk Sprat's Joke Quest

Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village

Find Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village (Cordon region). He'll initiate the conversation upon your arrival near the village center, initially failing to tell a joke himself. He'll then ask for your help in delivering a joke to the stalkers gathered around the bonfire, hoping to earn their friendship and acceptance. Agreeing to his request begins the quest.

Delivering the Joke

Lyonchyk instructs you to climb into the attic and wait for his signal. A ladder beside the bonfire leads to the attic. Once inside, choose any joke option presented—each yields a different reaction, but all successfully complete the quest.

Receiving Your Reward

Lyonchyk Sprat rewarding Skif

After the joke, descend and speak with Lyonchyk. He’ll thank you, rewarding you with 900 coupons. Note that if you don't select a joke prompt and let Lyonchyk attempt it alone, he'll fail, run off, and the quest will be considered incomplete.