Path of Exile 2: How to Get Loot Filters on Console

Author : Sebastian Mar 06,2025

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Path of Exile 2 loot filters significantly enhance gameplay, especially in the later stages where item drops become abundant. These filters declutter the screen, highlighting valuable items for easier looting. While using a controller or playing on console might seem to complicate this process, PlayStation and Xbox players can utilize item filters just as effectively as PC users. This guide simplifies the process.

How to Link Path of Exile 2 and Console Accounts

To use loot filters on consoles, you must first link your console account to your Path of Exile account via the Path of Exile 1 website. Here's how:

  1. Access the Path of Exile website and log in.
  2. Locate your account name (top-left).
  3. Select "Manage Account" (right-side, below your profile).
  4. Under "Secondary Login," click "Connect" for either PlayStation or Xbox.

You'll then be redirected to log in to your console account. Once completed, your accounts will be linked.

Finding and Using Loot Filters

With linked accounts, return to your website profile and click the "Item Filters" button (right-side). Click the "Item Filter Ladder" link. A new tab will open, displaying available filters.

Select "PoE 2" from the dropdown menu above the filter list. Choose your preferred filter and click "Follow." For new players, NeverSink's semi-strict or regular filters offer a good starting point.

After following a filter, open Path of Exile 2, navigate to the Options menu, then the Game tab. At the top, you'll find the "Item Filter" option. Select the filter you followed from the dropdown menu and save your changes. Your in-game item drops will now be categorized by the filter's settings (labels, colors, sounds).