How To Do the Free Perk Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Author : Eleanor Mar 16,2025

How To Do the Free Perk Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Conquering a new *Call of Duty* Zombies map often means a race to uncover the main Easter egg. But before the big reveals, smaller mysteries usually surface first. Here's how to snag a free Perk in *Black Ops 6* Zombies' The Tomb map.

How To Get a Free Perk in The Tomb in *Black Ops 6* Zombies

Perks are essential for long-term Zombies survival, boosting health, speed, damage, and more. However, acquiring them usually requires navigating the map and spending valuable in-game currency. The Tomb offers a shortcut: a simple Easter egg that grants a free Perk. Here's how:

  1. Equip Napalm Burst on a weapon.
  2. Proceed to the Ossuary.
  3. Shoot all six lamps in the room to activate them. (Related: How To Do the Song Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies)

All Perks in *Black Ops 6* Zombies

Since the free Perk from The Tomb's Easter egg is random, familiarize yourself with all available options:

Perk-a-Cola NamePerk Description
Deadshot DaiquiriAimed shots automatically target critical areas, increasing critical damage.
Death PerceptionSee enemies through obstacles.
Elemental PopFiring a bullet has a chance to apply a random Ammo Mod.
Jugger-NogIncreases maximum health by 100.
Melee MacchiatoBoosts melee damage inflicted with the butt of your weapon.
PhD FlopperGrants immunity to self-inflicted damage and status effects. Diving prone triggers an explosion, more powerful with greater fall distance. Immunity to fall damage while diving.
Quick ReviveReduces health regeneration delay and ally revive time by 50%.
Speed ColaIncreases reload and armor plating speed by 30%.
Stamin-UpIncreases movement speed.
Vulture AidIncreases the variety and quantity of loot dropped by enemies, including Essence Vials and ammo.

That's how to obtain a free Perk via The Tomb's Easter egg in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Looking for more Call of Duty secrets? Check out the mannequin Easter egg on Nuketown!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone are available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.