Dynasty Warriors: Origins - How To Unlock & Use The Horse
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Dynasty Warriors: Origins doesn't have a dedicated sprint button; your character automatically sprints after a few steps. While sprinting is useful, traversing large battlefields to rescue officers quickly often requires a faster method. That's where your horse comes in! Summonable anytime, in the overworld or battle, your horse provides swift travel and even allows for mounted combat, ideal for hit-and-run tactics. Here's how to acquire your first steed, level it up, and switch between different mounts.
How To Unlock The First Horse In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Your journey begins in Chapter 1. After completing the "Test of Zheng Fei" battle, a merchant will appear in the overworld northeast of Wan Castle, but before reaching the camp. He's easily spotted near his horse. Simply talk to him; he'll gift you your first mount, automatically equipping it. To summon your horse, press down on the left joystick (console) or press V (keyboard).
How To Level Up Your Horse In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Your horse gains XP by completing missions (marked with a red diamond and soldier icon) and main story battles. Skirmishes, however, don't grant XP. The XP earned depends on battle length and how much you ride and charge into enemies. Leveling up unlocks unique buffs for each horse.
How To Switch Horses In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
While your initial horse is automatically equipped, others await. Access the Battle Preparation menu (the final option on the left side of the screen) to equip or unequip horses. Each horse boasts different perks, with some offering superior speed and abilities. To acquire new horses, maximize the peace level of a region. A new horse will then be available as a reward at a nearby waypoint.