How to use Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Wilds: All Moves and Combos

Author : Grace Mar 16,2025

In the thrilling world of Monster Hunter Wilds, raw power isn't always the key to victory. Exceptional speed and strategic positioning can overcome even the toughest beasts. This is where the Dual Blades excel. Their rapid-fire attacks and versatile movesets make them a formidable choice for skilled hunters. Let's explore the best ways to unleash their full potential.

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Fast, furious, and incredibly versatile, the Dual Blades are designed for relentless, high-speed combat. Mastering both their core modes is crucial for success in any hunt.

All Moves

Triangle/YDouble Slash/Circle SlashA fundamental combo starter. Press Triangle/Y for a Double Slash, then again for a Circle Slash.
Circle/BLunging Strike/RoundslashA slashing attack that advances in the direction you're facing. Press again for a Roundslash.
R2/RTDemon ModeActivate Demon Mode for increased attack power, movement speed, evasion, and knockback immunity.
Triangle/Y + Circle/B (In Demon Mode)Blade Dance I, II, IIIPowerful chained attacks in Demon Mode, consuming the Demon Gauge.
Triangle/Y + Circle/B (In Archdemon Mode)Demon Flurry I, IIA series of attacks exclusive to Archdemon Mode, consuming the Demon Gauge. Use the analog stick to control direction. These can be chained with Blade Dance attacks using R2/RT.
Cross/A (During Demon/Archdemon Mode)Demon DodgeA faster dodge in Demon/Archdemon Mode. A Perfect Evade triggers a damage buff and allows attacks while dodging. Does not consume the Demon Gauge in Demon Mode.
L2/LT + R1/RBFocus Strike: Turning TideA powerful slash effective against wounded monsters. Hitting a wound triggers a Midair Spinning Blade Dance, capable of damaging multiple wounds simultaneously.

Demon Mode/Demon Gauge and Archdemon Mode

The Dual Blades feature a unique gauge mechanic. Demon Mode boosts your stats but drains stamina. Successfully attacking in Demon Mode fills the Demon Gauge. A full gauge activates Archdemon Mode, granting access to even more powerful attacks that consume the gauge. While mounted, the Demon Gauge stops decreasing.

Demon Dodge

Executed after a Perfect Evade, Demon Dodge significantly increases damage and allows attacks during evasive maneuvers. The damage buff lasts 12 seconds, and subsequent dodges deal additional damage.


Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Wilds
Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Dual Blade combos revolve around Demon and Archdemon Modes. Chaining attacks maximizes damage output.

Basic Combo

Chain three Triangle/Y attacks (Double Slash, Double Slash Return Stroke, Circle Slash) for consistent damage.

Demon Mode Basic Combo

In Demon Mode, the basic combo becomes more powerful: Demon Fangs, Twofold Demon Slash, Sixfold Demon Slash, finishing with Triangle/Y + Circle/B for Demon Flurry I.

Archdemon Mode Blade Dance Combo

With a full Demon Gauge, unleash Archdemon Mode's devastating power. Begin with Blade Dance (Triangle/Y + Circle/B), followed by four R2/RT presses for Demon Flurry I into Blade Dance II, then Demon Flurry II and Blade Dance III. This rapid sequence delivers massive damage.

Related: How to Capture Monsters in Monster Hunter Wild

Dual Blade Tips

Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Wilds Tips
Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Mastering the Dual Blades involves seamlessly transitioning between modes to maximize damage.

Always Follow Up

Begin with the Demon Flurry Rush combo (Circle/B x3), then chain Triangle/Y + Circle/B three times to rapidly fill the Demon Gauge and unleash devastating attacks.

Keep Your Stamina Up

Demon Mode consumes stamina. Manage your stamina carefully; exiting Demon Mode to recover or using Focus Strike on wounded monsters helps maintain the flow of combat.

Dodging in Between Attacks

Dodge frequently; the Dual Blades' quick animations allow for fluid movement between attacks. Avoid over-committing to attacks.

Ensure Sharpness

The Dual Blades' high attack frequency requires frequent sharpening. The Speed Sharpening skill significantly reduces downtime.

This comprehensive guide should help you master the Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Wilds. Check The Escapist for more helpful tips and strategies.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.