Experience thrilling command card battles and an epic storyline in Fate/Grand Order, a turn-based RPG based on Type-Moon's Fate/Stay Night franchise. Command a party of up to six Servants, strategically deploying your cards for victory. Summon new Servants using Saint Quartz, earned through gameplay or in-app purchases. Immerse yourself in a rich visual novel experience with multiple branching scenarios for diverse Servants.
This new mobile Fate RPG from TYPE-MOON boasts millions of words of original story content across the main scenario and numerous character quests. Whether you're a seasoned Fate fan or a newcomer, there's something for everyone.
In 2017, Chaldea, an organization monitoring Earth's future, discovers humanity's impending extinction in 2019. The future inexplicably vanishes, leaving behind a mystery. Investigations lead back to 2004 and an unobservable region in Japan, identified as the source of the cataclysm. Chaldea initiates its sixth experiment: time travel. Humanity's survival hinges on transforming individuals into Spiritrons and sending them back in time to locate and neutralize space-time Singularities. This mission, vital to preserving humanity, is known as the Grand Order.
As a Master, you'll team up with Heroic Spirits to combat enemies and unravel the mystery surrounding humanity's disappearance. Assemble your ideal team from a roster of both familiar and new Heroic Spirits.
Key Personnel:
- Game Composition/Scenario Direction: Kinoko Nasu
- Character Design/Art Direction: Takashi Takeuchi
- Scenario Writers: Yuichiro Higashide, Hikaru Sakurai
System Requirements:
Android 4.1 or higher, 2GB RAM or more. (Intel CPUs are incompatible.) Compatibility may vary; beta OS versions are unsupported. This application utilizes CRIWARE (TM) from CRI Middleware Co. Ltd.